A whole lot of updates are landing now to enhance your experience with BuyerGenomics as you drive your very best marketing more intelligently and with less execution effort. Take a look at what the September Update brings with it below....

NEW! Customer Detail Update

Your BuyerGenomics Customers have a brand new look :) Stylish aren't they?

You will now immediately see essential details about your customers like their most recent purchase, the frequency at which they have shopped your brand, and how much this customer has spent with your brand -- in one comprehensive snapshot. We’ve also moved the data into easy to use tabs that organize the customer record much better. The reviews from our users in beta have been great. We hope you love it. Of course… there is even more coming on customer record management soon...


NEW! Shopify Integration

BuyerGenomics now has a completely seamless native integration with the Shopify Platform. BG can now pull your real time transaction data and populate your BuyerGenomics account as the transaction happens in real time!

Your customer makes an online transaction and you can see and track it right away in your BuyerGenomics account, enabling you to make relevant decisions WHEN it matters most. Much more is coming with this powerful new capability.


NEW! Load Time Email Supercharging

BuyerGenomics now implements an advanced CDN natively in BuyerGenomics. When Supercharged, your emails will almost “instantly” load content on the mobile devices, tablets and desktops it’s delivered to. We “Supercharge” your BuyerGenomics AutoPilot automatically, so you deliver a much smoother and more engaging mobile user experience than you’ve ever delivered before.


The result of Supercharging your creative is higher click rates and more sales. Customers and prospects will never have to wait on your email content to download again, (a few seconds is more than enough to earn a “swipe and delete” --instead earning clicks & sales.You just upload the creative..and the BuyerGenomics Supercharging system will do the rest, autonomously.

NEW! Enhanced Transaction Ingestion

Your BuyerGenomics now has a new, super-easy way for you to get your transactions into your BuyerGenomics database. Enhanced Transaction Ingestion provides a simple and secure way of updating BuyerGenomics on any cadence you choose, daily, weekly, whenever you want!

Also the algorithms that process your transaction data now perform a whole new level of fully automated data integrity checks -- this means you will get autonomous feedback from BuyerGenomics if there are issues or errors in your data file --and you can get the right one in much faster and with more informative prompts from BuyerGenomics itself.
