Dynamic Lookup Tables
This feature supports dynamic email content by enabling display of personalized texts, links images, banners, etc., elements that may not necessarily reside within BuyerGenomics database on an individual buyer level. For instance, store level information, such as store name, store address, store URL, or store phone number can be loaded to BuyerGenomics through Dynamic Lookup Tables, and they can be displayed in campaign emails based on Store ID in BG database.
Logical Exclusion in Advanced Segments
In the Advanced Segment module, “AND NOT” expression is added to support logical expressions for exclusions. The connector works just like “AND”, but all records meeting the selection criteria after “AND NOT” will be excluded from the segment in question. With this new feature, users can target those who browsed their site, but did not purchase anything, for example.
Custom Data Upload for Prospects
In addition to name, address, or email address of prospects, users can upload extra data fields. For example, for prospecting purposes, Store ID where the prospect name was obtained or store coupon usage data can be added along with PII of prospects.
Flash Reports for New & Returning Customers Trend Reports
Flash Reports is a great feature for custom reports that may not be part of standard set of BuyerGenomics reports. Users with JavaScript knowledge can create reports on their own, or BG support team can develop reports based on client specifications.
BG development team added New & Returning Customer Trend Reports, featuring yearly summary of new and returning customers by transaction counts and spending level. These reports are extremely useful in projecting future customer, transaction and revenue amounts. BG team can help users for such forecasting, as well.