The Best Sellers tab lists your most popular products by any particular time frame or event (e.g., Black Friday). You can view your best sellers by either the revenue they generate or the total number of units they sell. 

By Revenue

This report displays the best selling products by revenue. It gives you each product and its SKU,total revenue generated, and the percentage of your overall revenue.

By Quantity

This report displays the best selling products according to number of units sold. If you’re trying to move inventory, this is a particularly useful report for you.

Time Frame/Event

For both categories, you can alter the time frame of each report in accordance with either a preset or custom range. It can span any period you like, from the past week, to a particular quarter, or even over the entire lifetime of your database.

You can also Select an Event, where you can view a list of best sellers that occurred on specific holidays or special sale periods like Black Friday, Christmas, or New Years for any year over the past decade.


Additionally, you can choose how many of your best sellers you want to look at using the configure button in the top right of the screen.

When you are finished selecting your date range and list length, press the “Get Report” button to view your results.