The Upload Prospects tool allows you to manually upload names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers not currently in your database (or, if they already are, BuyerGenomics will automatically deduplicate your customer records).

This is useful whenever you collect any customer information from an offline source that cannot be sent to BuyerGenomics.

Required Fields

In order to properly add prospects into BuyerGenomics, your files must contain enough Personally Identifiable Information (PII). To ensure you have enough PII, you must upload at least one of the following combinations:

  • Email address

  • First name, last name, and phone.

  • First name, last name, and postal address (address line 1, city, state, zip, and country)

These are only the minimum -  you can add any other additional PII fields you want to your file.

The list of PII fields available are:

  • email 

  • firstname 

  • lastname 

  • mobilephone 

  • address1 

  • address2 

  • city 

  • state 

  • zip 

  • country 

Optional Fields

You can also include further specifications for whether or not each person would like to be subscribed to the following channels:

  • Email marketing

  • Direct mail marketing

  • Phone marketing 

Each of the channels is listed with its own associated column:

  • e_status (for email subscription status)

  • m_status (for direct mail subscription status)

  • p_status (for phone subscription status)

The following are statuses you can apply to any respective column:

  • s - For unsubscribed status

  • u - For unsubscribed status

  • (blank) - If you do not wish to specify the status.

Uploading a File

First, select a file to either upload or drag & drop. All files must be formatted as a text file with tab-separated values (TSV).

Tags & AutoPilot

Before uploading your file, you can enter a segmentation tag and select whether or not you want these prospects to receive the new Prospect Activation AutoPilot series (if you have already set it up).

Once you have successfully uploaded you file, BuyerGenomics will parse the data and employ SuperMatch to ensure that no duplicates are uploaded to your database.

Afterwards, all of your uploaded data will be fully available for you to use however you see fit.